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Welcome to our School.

Live, love and learn and let the light of Jesus shine.

St Cuthbert’s School is a small primary school in the market town of Wigton.  It is a school for all the children of Wigton, and has a long history going back as far as 1857 when five Sisters of Mercy duly made the long journey here from London. The sisters started their work almost at once. The noise of clogs on wooden floors of that original school has now been replaced by the modern comfortable school we have today. Then as now, the pupils consisted of Catholic and non-Catholic pupils. We welcome children of all religions.

From an early age, our children enjoy school and feel happy. They learn share and make friends and become aware of the feelings of others. They learn right from wrong and learn how to play together and socialise quickly, establishing a politeness and courtesy that leads to purposeful relationships with adults and other children.

Our pupils are confident in adults’ ability to promptly respond to any problems they have and they say that pupils are kind to each other.

St Cuthbert’s pupils are proud of their school and respond well to a wide range of opportunities to take on extra responsibilities.

OFSTED judges our school as a GOOD school.

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